The Great Commission

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:19 & 20 (ESV)

"The nations are not gathered in automatically. . . the earth's families will be blessed only if we go to them with the gospel." John R. W. Stott (from an address given at Urbana 76)

An Evangelist's Dream

The beginning of March this year Preacher Mike and I were set up at a small festival in Greynold’s Park in North Miami. Mike emcees this show and our Gospel Sing booth is set up in a prominent place.

A young eight year old precocious girl named Raquel came up to the booth and asked us, “What is the Gospel?” She saw our Bluegrass Gospel Sing & Jam table cloth on the table and was curious about it.

An evangelist’s dream to have such a wide open door! We answered that the Gospel is the Good News of Jesus Christ. Raquel replied, “Well I’m Jewish so I don’t believe in Jesus.” We responded with, “Well, Jesus is also Jewish and we believe in the Old Testament that you hear at Temple but we also believe in the New Testament that Jesus is the Messiah and that is what the Gospel is about.”
Raquel then admitted that she and her family do not attend Temple so she really didn’t know what the Bible said.

Throughout the course of the day, she returned to ask more questions such as, “Who wrote the Gospels?” As Mike was on stage emceeing, I answered her question; the Gospels were written by men who lived and followed Jesus during his three years of ministry and miracles. I further explained what an eye witness account is by explaining that if she were to go home that night and write down the things she saw at the festival such as her brother playing on the big rocks and the music she heard from the stage she would be describing things she personally saw with her own eyes. The Gospel is an eye witness account of Jesus. They witnessed his miracles and teaching and his death and rising from the dead to confirm that he was indeed the Son of God.

The other interesting thing she said was that her family celebrated both Hanukkah and Christmas because Christmas is just fun.

She continued to come back with questions that we answered in a way that an eight year old could comprehend.

When I saw her skipping with her family as they left that evening, I prayed the Lord would use the seeds planted to reach this precious child with his saving grace and I thanked the Lord for giving us this Divine Appointment.

Mike and Mary Robinson are full time missionaries and members of
Christ Community Church. The purpose of their ministry, the Bluegrass Gospel Sing and Jam, is to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the community of people who gather together around the love of bluegrass music. They would love prayers for divine appointments and that the Lord would design their schedule, especially for 2019 where two big festivals they attend might conflict.

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