The Great Commission

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:19 & 20 (ESV)

"The nations are not gathered in automatically. . . the earth's families will be blessed only if we go to them with the gospel." John R. W. Stott (from an address given at Urbana 76)

New Shoes

This story was told to me by Beth Hicks in the Philippines.

     On my first visit to Ozamiz City, in the Philippines, I had a new pair of hiking boots with me. The day before we left, the Lord impressed upon my heart to give these boots to a young man that served us in the kitchen each day. Honestly, I was nervous about doing that because I didn't want to make him feel ashamed. But I knew I was supposed to give him the boots, so I took them out and asked him to try them on. Of course, they fit perfectly. When I told him he could have the boots, he cried and I didn't know what to do. He told me he had prayed for two years for a good pair of shoes. He lifted his foot and showed me that the bottom of each shoe had a large hole. My heart broke, but at the same time I was so thankful that I had those boots to give. I was sad that I didn't have a pair for everyone. This young man eventually completed his degree and now works as one of the top accountants for Shell Oil Company.

      The people here really need good shoes, especially the children, they are one of the greatest gifts they can receive. Most have never been taken to a store so that they can choose a new pair. So we started buying a few pairs of shoes at a time until a box could be filled for them. Over the years our family, friends and church family have become partners in our "New Shoes for the Philippines" drive each year. As the shoes are packed we pray for each pair and the person that will receive them. When the boxes arrive at Happy House around Christmas each year, we put them out as if they were on display in a store and the people are allowed to choose a pair.

Rick and Beth Hicks have been ministering with Salvation and Praise Fellowship (a.k.a. Happy Church) for 18 years. God has called them into full time ministry in Ozamiz City, Philippines. The Salvation Praise Fellowship has an orphanage, deaf school and elderly home that they support.

Please pray for God to give them opportunities to disciple new believers and share the Gospel, as well as for financial supporters for the ministry.

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